Cheese Shop Juustukuningad
Published in America in the late ’90s, Who Moved My Cheese? was a motivational business fable designed to help office workers cope more effectively with major changes in their work and lives. It placed cheese front and centre as something everyone wants and something without which life would be all but devoid of meaning. And if you’re unlucky enough to be without cheese at any point in your life, you have to keep believing that somewhere out there new cheese awaits.
Which it does, quite literally: cheese from the Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, Norway and Switzerland. Juustukuningad offers 70 different cheeses, all fresher than fresh, and all of which you can try before you buy. Cheese is perfect for eating on its own, as well as with things, and in things. Basically – cheese is perfect, period. And if you want jams and nuts and crackers and snacks and wines and more to go with your cheese, voilà! Juustukuningad offers them, too. Oh, and cheese knives.
Praise cheeses!